Sunday, October 22, 2006

Like a zombie, it rises

Whoa, wait, I have a blog? Man, I really dropped the ball on this thing. It would seem that the time I would normally reserve for writing has instead been taken over by the playing of video games, sleeping, or slowly going insane under a mountain of school work. I feel like I should make some sort of New Year's Resolution to keep up with this on a more daily basis, (although perhaps more of an October 22nd's Resolution), but I don't think I would hold myself to it very well. More likely, I'd return some six years down the road, weathered and battered, gasping for sweet sustenance. Seeing the blog off in the distance, mirage-like, I would shamble towards it, fingers itching to grace those supple keys once more. But of course, it would be a mirage, because the internet won't exist in six years, as the world is set to end tragically in five years and several months.

Now if you'll excuse, I'm off to shave, read A Raisin In The Sun, play Shenmue, and watch Heroes. (I am secretly in love with Wikipedia.)

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